Mortar: Type N vs. Type S, Which Do You Need? - Bedrock Orlando
May 14, 2012

Mortar: Type N vs. Type S, Which Do You Need?

Mortar mixes are classified according to their compressive strength, bonding properties and flexibility.  Each mortar mix has a specific portland cement, hydrated lime and sand proportions that keep each type of mortar apart from the other. Compressive strength, bonding and flexibility work together while holding masonry units in place. The mortar needs to bond strongly yet be able to flex in response to lateral loads as well as contract in response to changes in temperature.  Choosing the right type of mortar mix depends not only on the mix’s properties, but what it is being used for as well. It is important to start your next project with the correct product for the job.

Type S: masonry foundations, manholes, retaining walls, sewers, and brick patios and brick pavements.

Type S Mortar is the ideal product for masonry at or below grade. Even though it is usually specified for those kind of jobs, it offers great quality. Type S has high compressive strength (1800 psi) but adds high tensile bond strength. Type S mortars are required to have a minimum of 1800 psi and their mixes usually give you strengths ranging between 2300 and 3000 psi. This type of mortar performs well while fighting soil pressure and wind, or while under seismic conditions. Type S contains 2 parts portland cement, 1 part hydrated lime and 9 parts sand.

Type N: exterior and above-grade walls, chimneys

Type N is described as a general purpose mortar mix and can be used in above grade, exterior and interior load-bearing installations. It is also associated most commonly with soft stone masonry. This type is ideal for anything that is exposed to severe weather and high heat. Type N is a medium compressive-strength (750 psi) mortar and can achieve 28 day strength between 1500 and 2400 psi. Type N is made of 1 part portland cement, 1 part lime and 6 parts sand.

Whichever mortar type you decide on, Bedrock Industries has the right product for any job. Call us today at 407-859-1300 to help get your next Orlando masonry project started!